Left Brain Productions™ provides the following services:
  • Original Music
  • Scores
  • Jingles
  • Voice-Overs
  • Sound Sweetening
  • Foley
  • Band Production
  • Practical 3/D
  • Masks
  • Creature Building
  • Prosthetics
  • Model Making
  • Special effects Makeup
  • Prop Building
  • Set Design and Construction
  • Backdrops
  • Faux Finishes
  • Aging Techniques
Left Brain Productions urges all Artists (Actors, Camera-men, Etc) in Washington to contact us. Your credentials will be held onto for future consideration in your particular field of expertise.
Most recent Works include:
Artwork & Prosthetics for "Carnival of the Damned’

Intro and Outro Music for EMS medical documentary

Music for VerveImage.com website

Owner: Leonardo M. Taglialavore

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© 2004 Left Brain Productions, All rights reserved

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